Speaker Syroyid: Early Rada Elections Would Cause Tyranny

Sunday, 7 August 2016, 22:02

First Vice-Speaker Oksana Syroyid stated that if early parliamentary elections would be organized based on the existing election law, Ukraine will witness tyranny.

"People who are telling today that this Parliament is illegitimate and impotent plainly want to destroy the national security and sovereignty of Ukraine. Parliamentary elections in the current circumstances are dangerous for many reasons, primarily because of the elections law," — Ms. Syroyid expressed her opinion live on 112 Channel this Sunday.

"If early elections are organized according to the current law we will get tyranny. This parliament might not be as good as one expected it to be, but it has at least close to a hundred people who are not political slaves," — stated Syroyid.

When answering why did the Rada fail to adopt the new elections law, Syroyid answered: "The President does not want this law. So what does the current Parliament have to do with this?"

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 93.74.36.---kvp194008.08.2016 04:06
Це з якого часу вона стала вона стала першим віце-спікером чи Геращенко самоусунулася???
IP: 93.175.234.---_A_n_t_i_k_i_l_l_e_r_07.08.2016 23:06
Это та Сироид которая с Гусовским посещала сектанские сборы Возрождение?

И Егор Соболев который завалил электронное декларирование в Украине?

Давай Самонемощь, да свидания!
IP: 46.211.154.---kiyiv07.08.2016 22:49
Та ні, Оксана, перш за все не Україна вас турбує, а те що на наступних виборах Самопоміч навряд чи набере достатню кількість голосів, щоб торгувати ними й впливати на щось а ви не будете вже заступником голови ВР. І про вас всі забудуть.
IP: 91.225.143.---kzkmrf07.08.2016 22:46
Верховная Рада себя исчерпала и хотят они или не хотят, перевыборы неизбежны и как бы они крепко не цеплялись за свои кресла, народ их вынесет вместе с креслами!!!
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