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World must prepare ground for direct talks between Ukraine and Russia – Swiss president

EU leadership welcomes Ukraine and Moldova on another step towards EU membership

Hungary explains why it lifted its veto on start of Ukraine's EU accession talks

China at UN calls on Ukraine and Russia to meet each other halfway

Ukraine liberates 14 more Ukrainian children from Russia and temporarily occupied territories

Putin in no position to dictate what Ukraine must do to bring about peace – US Secretary of Defense

Russia uses "volunteer corps" for offensive operations, which is not suitable for such task – UK intelligence

Ukraine prepares to sign security agreements with 10 more countries – Zelenskyy

Polish aircraft scrambled during Russian attack on Ukraine

Zelenskyy's office releases full text of security agreement with US

G7 agreed on US$50 billion for Ukraine at expense of Russian assets – Italian PM

Ukraine and US sign 10-year security agreement

Canada imposes sanctions on Russian propagandists in occupied parts of Ukraine

Ukraine signs security agreement with Japan

China lobbies other nations for its peace plan ahead of Peace Summit – Reuters

Germany transfers quarter of its Patriot systems to Ukraine – German defence minister

Rheinmetall announces enhanced strategic cooperation with Ukraine

Lithuania to supply Ukraine with 14 M113 armoured personnel carriers

NATO Secretary General comments on Hungary's PM's promise concerning NATO and Ukraine

ECHR holds hearing on case of occupied Donbas

US officially says it will sign security agreement with Ukraine on 13 June

German police confirm death of 9-year-old Ukrainian girl: murder suspected

Netherlands consider transferring additional Patriots to Ukraine

Polish fighter scrambled during nighttime Russian attack on Ukraine

Biden approves sending second Patriot system to Ukraine – NYT

Norway to allocate €240 million for air defence measures for Ukraine

Peace Summit in Switzerland: media reports reduction in number of participants

Ukraine to receive dozens of interceptor missiles for Patriot air defence systems – German Defence Minister

Ukraine has completed all steps to start EU accession talks – European Commission President

Scholz promises delivery of air defence systems and ammunition in coming "weeks and months"