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Poland opposes transfer of Patriot system deployed on its territory to Ukraine

Zelenskyy inspects German Patriot system intended for Ukraine – photo

Biden approves sending second Patriot system to Ukraine – NYT

Ukraine to receive dozens of interceptor missiles for Patriot air defence systems – German Defence Minister

Zelenskyy thanks Germany for air defence and says Ukraine still needs seven more Patriots

Netherlands to build combat vehicles and Patriot systems for Ukraine jointly with other EU countries

Germany admits Ukrainian forces may use Patriot systems to down aircraft over Russia

Netherlands announces initiative to supply Ukraine with Patriot system

Romanian president states condition for sending Patriot system to Ukraine

Ukraine's ambassador to US hopes for "brave decisions" on Patriots for Ukraine

Zelenskyy urges world to help Kharkiv: two Patriots would fundamentally change situation – video

New Patriot air defence system for Ukraine: Germany starts training Ukrainian specialists

US considers sending one more Patriot system to Ukraine

Pentagon reveals contents of US$400 million military aid package for Ukraine

Ukraine receives new batch of Patriot missiles from allies – Spanish government

Pentagon chief asks other countries to supply Ukraine with Patriot systems

Zelenskyy: We are working on obtaining additional Patriot systems

Zelenskyy: Ukraine needs at least 7 Patriot air defence systems, allies can't waste time

Spain confirms plans to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine at Ramstein meeting

Spain will supply Ukraine with batch of Patriot missiles, media says

Ukraine continues negotiations on joint production of Patriot systems and missiles, ambassador says

Germany pressures US to provide Ukraine with another Patriot system – Bloomberg

Spanish Foreign Minister answers question on possible supply of Patriot to Ukraine

Scholz seeks six more Patriot systems for Ukraine from NATO countries

Zelenskyy after conversation with Scholz: Ukraine will also receive missiles for air defence systems

Germany to urgently send another Patriot air defence system to Ukraine

We would not have lost Trypillia Thermal Power Plant if we had Patriot systems – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Ukrainian Foreign Minister speaks about details of negotiations with allies on supply of Patriots

My main message at NATO-Ukraine Council meeting is we need Patriots – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Ukraine's foreign minister urges West to send Ukraine at least another seven Patriots