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Zelenskyy meets Czech President, talks about strengthening defence industry cooperation

Zelenskyy arrives in Lithuania to attend Three Seas Summit, announces signing of another security agreement

Zelenskyy after overnight Russian attack: Air defence needed, not lengthy discussions

Zelenskyy reiterates key principles with which Ukraine initiated Peace Summit

Zelenskyy holds meeting on Ukrainian missiles: Details are not public, but we have results

Zelenskyy: "Representatives of continents" will show Russia peace plan agreed without it

Zelenskyy rejects "primitive" ideas from Trump on ending of war

Zelenskyy inspects fortifications being built in Kharkiv Oblast – photo, video

Zelenskyy holds meeting of Supreme Commander-in-Chief's Staff to discuss protection of Kharkiv

Russia spreads conflicts worldwide, and Ukraine needs to stay relevant – Zelenskyy

We seek opportunities to provide Kharkiv with better air defence – Zelenskyy

"We are preparing a response": Zelenskyy holds talks with heads of Ukrainian military departments

Zelenskyy on Polish border blockade: We've built several routes to bypass it

Up to 98% of fortification works completed on some fronts – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy: Türkiye as sole mediator isn't enough for us

I can't call on foreign troops to fight in Ukraine because of Russian hype – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy: We hope for US help, but we'd agree to a loan

Zelenskyy: 25 Patriot air defence systems needed to fully shield Ukraine from Russian air attacks

Ukraine developing weapons against guided bombs – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy aims to convene Peace Summit with up to 100 countries participating

Zelenskyy comments on possibility of Russian offensive from Belarus or toward Kharkiv

Zelenskyy on Russia's plans to mobilise 300,000 more people: No guarantee that's their final number

Zelenskyy meets with US Congress delegation in Chernihiv Oblast – photo

Zelenskyy vows more drones this year and emphasises their effectiveness

Zelenskyy visits fortifications in Chernihiv Oblast – photo

Zelenskyy's former business partner Borys Shefir admits that he wants friendship with Russia and loves its culture

Zelenskyy: Strengthening Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts' air defence is urgent – video

Zelenskyy hears reports on hampering Russian advance at Supreme Commander-in-Chief Staff meeting

Russian terrorists will be punished for their actions in Kharkiv – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy: We clearly understand what Russia is preparing for