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Yevhen Buderatskyi

All Publications of this Author

Ukrainska Pravda obtains photos of wreckage from advanced Kh-69 missile Russia used to strike Trypillia power plant – photo

Media shows wreckage of Russian Zircon missile shot down over Kyiv – photo

Components of Western and Chinese companies found in missiles from DPRK used by Russia to hit Kyiv – photo

Russia is capable of producing 400-500 Shahed attack drones per month

North Korean KN-24 missile leaves huge crater in Bucha district

An army without Zaluzhnyi: Who is General Syrskyi, Ukraine's new Commander-in-Chief?

New draft law on mobilisation: Only those with military training to be accepted for civil service

Russians want to increase number of law enforcers in occupied territories as passportisation is failing

50,000 migrants from Russia and Central Asia brought to occupied Mariupol

Frost, mice and artillery duels. How winter affects combat operations

Shashank Joshi, Defence Editor at The Economist: Bakhmut campaign cost Ukraine more than it gained

Winter danger. How many missiles and Shahed attack UAVs has Russia amassed for airstrikes on Ukrainian cities in autumn and winter?

A story of hope: Ukrainska Pravda tracks down legendary granny Baba Nadia from Myhalky, who told the Russians where to go

Major General Andrii Sokolov was in charge of the defence of Ukraine's south. An interview covering Chonhar, Kherson and Melitopol

Chonhar bridges were mined and bridges over Dnipro River were not – Ukrainian General Sokolov

1,500 defenders stood against more than 20,000 Russians in Ukraine's south when invasion began in 2022

Major General Andrii Sokolov was in charge of the defence of Ukraine's south. An interview covering Chonhar, Kherson and Melitopol

Formula 1 team signs Ukrainian for first time in history
