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Russia seriously damages equipment at two thermal power plants

Installation of 6 mini thermal power plants approved in Kyiv – city council

Ukraine in talks to increase electricity imports from EU to offset deficit – Reuters

German Foreign Minister visits Ukrainian thermal power plant destroyed by Russians

Ukrainian electricity provider reveals how much longer blackouts will go on and whether warmer weather will have an impact

Russian UAVs damage energy infrastructure facilities in Poltava Oblast

Rolling blackouts to be in effect throughout Ukraine on 17 May

Current electricity supply restrictions may last until August

Electricity shortages in Ukraine could last for next two years – energy expert

Argentina may help Ukraine with energy spare parts

Power deficit remains: Ukraine plans record daily electricity imports

Industrial facilities to have rolling power outages for one day due to shortage of electricity

Consumers in 7 Ukrainian oblasts cut off from power supply due to hostilities, Ukraine's Energy Ministry says

Ukraine uses emergency electricity supplies from 3 neighbouring countries

Belgium allocates €9 million to rebuild Ukraine's energy infrastructure

Germany to give Ukraine €45 million to rebuild energy infrastructure

Possible consumption restrictions for industry on 9 May – Ukrainian Energy Ministry

Russian forces hit power generation facility in Lviv Oblast with cruise missiles

Russia attacks 3 thermal power plants, causing serious damage

Russians attack power facilities in six Ukrainian oblasts overnight

Russian drone damages power line in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russian forces damage high-voltage facility in Sumy Oblast

Russian forces attack energy facilities in Sumy Oblast

Russians launch 5 missiles at Sloviansk Thermal Power Plant – photo

Half of Ukraine's energy system damaged – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Russian authorities say drones attack 2 oblasts and damage power grid

G7 nations pledge to decrease dependence on Russian goods in nuclear industry

Latvia sends equipment for energy recovery to Ukraine – photo

Missile attack: Russians strike energy facilities in Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv oblasts

We have never been responsible for protecting combined heat and power, thermal, and hydroelectric power plants – Ukraine's infrastructure minister