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Plane of Ukraine's former pro-Russian president arrives in Belarus, where Belarusian and Russian leaders are meeting – Belaruski Hajun

Guards of former pro-Russian president Yanukovych served with notice of suspicion 10 years after helping him flee

EU court once again lifts "obsolete" sanctions against Ukraine's ex-president Yanukovych and his son

Statue of limitation may expire in 60 Euromaidan cases without a verdict

Court seizes property of Yanukovych's security chief worth over US$1.3 million

Incitement to desertion: Former Ukraine's President to be tried in absentia

Kremlin's two plans. Who would govern Ukraine if Kyiv fell

In event of the capture of Kyiv, Kremlin had two plans: Medvedchuk and Yanukovych

Yanukovych urges Zelensky to surrender

Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine who fled the country after the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, addressed President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and urged him "to stop the bloodshed at any cost."

"Total lack of understanding of Ukraine": Zelenskyy's office on alleged Russian plans to change the country's leadership

The Kremlin's alleged plan to make the fugitive former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych the new "leader of Ukraine" is an illustration of the total lack of understanding of the real situation and attitudes in Ukraine, according to Zelenskyy's office.

Ukraine's former President Yanukovych ousted in 2014 is in Minsk, Kremlin wants to reinstall him in Kyiv

Fugitive ex-President Viktor Yanukovych is currently in Minsk, and the Kremlin is currently preparing him for a special operation, according to Ukrainian intelligence.

GPU Declines Videoconference with Yanukovych

The Prosecutor General’s Office (GPU) refused the request of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych to organize a videoconference with current top officials of Ukraine.

Yanukovych Wants Court Videoconference With Poroshenko

Viktor Yanukovych has requested a courtroom videoconference with President Petro Poroshenko.

NABU Confirms Manafort Features in Yanukovych ‘Black Accounts’

Paul Manafort’s name is listed in the ‘black accounts’ of the ousted president Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, which is being investigated by the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU).

Yanukovych-era First Deputy Chief of Tax Inspection Detained

The GPU detained ex-First Deputy Chief of Tax Inspection Andrii Holovach.

ECJ Strikes Down Sanctions Against Estate of Yanukovych Junior

The European Court of Justice annulled the sanctions against the estate of Viktor Yanukovych Junior, the now-deceased younger son of Ukraine’s ex-president Viktor Yanukovych. The sanctions were introduced in 2014 after the Maidan shootings and the Russian occupation of Crimea

Danyliuk: Ukraine Not Obliged to Repay ‘Yanukovych Debt’ to Russia

Minister of Finance Oleksandr Danyliuk does not see reasons why Ukraine should repay $3 billion that was borrowed at the end of the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych.

Court Freezes Titles to Yanukovych’s Vintage Cars

Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv froze the titles to vintage cars of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych that were found in his residence Mezhyhirya after he fled Ukraine.

Liechtenstein Unfreezes Assets of Controversial Judge

An investigative judge in Liechtenstein ordered to unfreeze the accounts of the Panama company in which a judge of Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine Artur Yemelianov and his wife were beneficiaries.

Poroshenko is Guarded by Yanukovych’s Bodyguards

President Poroshenko is guarded by the employees of the Administration of the State Guard of Ukraine, who were also guarding President yanukovych for the certain period of time

Case on Yanukovych’s Hunting Land Submitted to Court

On June 15, the Prosecutor General’s Office (GPU) filed a case against ex-Kyiv Oblast officials with the court. The case involves embezzlement of hunting land at Sukholuchia by ex-President Yanukovych.

Ukraine filed Response to Russian Claim on ‘Yanukovych Debt’ with London Court

On May 27, 2016 Ukraine filed its response to Russia’s claim on the ‘$3 Billion debt’ of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych with the English High Court of Justice.