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Klitschko admits new Russian offensive on Kyiv is possible

Kyiv's Mayor on dismissal of Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief: I hope government offers explanation for this change

Mayor of Kyiv stands up for Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces: Politics can outweigh common sense

Russian missile attack on Kyiv: 21 people injured, woman clinically dead – photo

London mayor decides to send cars to Ukraine at Kyiv mayor's request

Ukrainians trust Zelenskyy, Prytula and Klitschko most of all – poll data

London Mayor turns down his Kyiv counterpart's request for to-be scrapped cars

Ukrainians protest next year's budget under walls of Kyiv City Council – photo

Kyiv suffers immense damage after Russian night attack – photo

Water pipeline in Kyiv damaged by Russian missile strike

Defence Minister reacts to Kyiv Mayor's statements about "authoritarianism in Ukraine"

Kyiv and Brussels become sister cities

Explosions heard in capital are air defence responding near Kyiv

Israel's flag appears on Kyiv's digital billboards

Mayor of Kyiv calls Kyiv Council session where financing for Armed Forces will be discussed

Kyiv to receive 100 German-produced UAVs and transfer them to front line – Kyiv Mayor

Debris falls in two districts of Kyiv causing fires

Kyiv Mayor Klitschko opens square in Paris on Independence Day

Over 170 civilians have been killed in Russian attacks on Kyiv – Kyiv Mayor

Kyiv Mayor claims "central government" is putting pressure on him

"There may be a knockout": Zelenskyy comments on closed shelter in Kyiv

Closed shelter: Kyiv Mayor asks to suspend head of Desnianskyi district, District State Administration undergoes searches

Patrol officers will drive around shelters in Kyiv during night-time air-raid warnings

In Kyiv, fragments hit apartment building: one person died, three others injured

Rescue worker crushed by concrete slab during Russian drone attack – Kyiv Mayor

Mayor explained the unusual vibrations in Kyiv this night: Weapons are going to the front

Russian target shot down over Obolon district in Kyiv – Klitschko

Kyiv Mayor reports large-scale attack on Kyiv, explosions and fires

Attack on Kyiv: fragments fall and catch fire on roof of multi-storey building

Night attack on Kyiv: missile fragments fall on Kyiv zoo, cars damaged, building on fire