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Poland to build fortifications on border with Russia and Belarus for US$2.5 billion

Russia accumulates forces on border with Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts – ISW

Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups change tactics and routes

Baltic states agree to establish "drone wall" to protect borders

Russia arbitrarily removes channel-marking buoys from Estonian waters in Narva River

Norway bans entry for Russian tourists

Finland's PM may allow partial opening of border with Russia after relevant law adopted

Ukrainian officials try to get Biden's permission to strike Russia with US weapons – Politico

Train car from Belarus not allowed to pass through to Lithuania due to Russian war symbol painted on it

EU Parliament supports extension of preferential trade with Ukraine, albeit with safeguards

Lorry traffic obstructed on Ukrainian-Polish border due to system failure

Polish PM calls on farmers to stop blockade of Ukraine's border

Lukashenko reveals why Belarus is not fighting against Ukraine directly

Ukraine's Security Service detains former pro-Russian lawmaker Lukianov attempting to flee Ukraine – photo

Zelenskyy inspects fortifications being built in Kharkiv Oblast – photo, video

Polish food inspection service bans nearly 10 tonnes of Ukrainian ice cream

Finnish president believes it is right to keep border with Russia closed

Zelenskyy on Polish border blockade: We've built several routes to bypass it

Finland closes sea checkpoints near border with Russia until mid-April

Belarus launches military exercises near border with Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine

Russia reinforces its border in 3 oblasts – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence

Ukraine is now two times closer to unblocking borders with Poland – Ukraine's Agricultural Policy Minister

Poles lift lorry traffic blockade at Uhryniv-Dołhobyczów checkpoint until 2 April

Ukraine's government admits lack of dialogue with Poland regarding blocking border

Lukashenko orders all border violators from neighbouring countries to be killed

Polish farmers completely block freight traffic leaving Ukraine at two checkpoints

All traffic is unblocked at Medyka-Shehyni border checkpoint – Ambassador

Ukraine to miss out on over US$166 million in customs payments in March due to border blockade

Fortifications being built on border of Chernihiv Oblast in case of new invasion – photo

Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Polish authorities to stop detaining journalists at Polish-Ukrainian border