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Just one Azov soldier is among recently-liberated Ukrainian POWs

Families of Ukrainian PoWs urge authorities to swap pro-Russian MP and Metropolitan Pavlo for defenders

"People called our withdrawal from Azovstal 'evacuation'. I was 'evacuated' to a Russian prison for two years." A 23-year-old soldier freed from Russian captivity tells his story

Memories of an Azovstal defender: war, captivity in Russia, and return to Ukraine

Ecumenical Patriarch calls on Ukraine and Russia to exchange POWs "all for all"

All-for-all POW exchange possible at Peace Summit – Zelenskyy

Ukraine's spy chief backs Pope's call for general prisoner swap: We just have to convince Russia

Pope Francis calls for "all for all" prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine

Russia's Human Rights Commissioner asks Ukrainian counterpart to "facilitate" return of their prisoners

100 Ukrainians released from Russian captivity, most of them Mariupol defenders – photo, video

Over 900 Ukrainian soldiers who defended Mariupol still in Russian captivity – Azov brigade commander

Putin claims Russia won't stop prisoner swaps with Ukraine over Il-76 crash

"Moving moments": Coordination HQ reveals details of 50th swap of prisoners of war – video

207 Ukrainian brought back home from Russian captivity – video

Ukraine's spy chief: Prisoner exchange will take place very soon

Russia publishes exchange lists through propagandists, we will not fall for it – Spokesperson for Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

We waited for them in Sumy: Defence Intelligence discloses details of failed 24 January PoW swap

Ukraine vows to continue prisoner swaps, says Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner

Prisoner swap did not take place, downing of Il-76 aircraft indicates deliberate and planned actions by Russia – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence

Prisoner swap was to take place on 24 January, it is not happening at the moment – Defence Intelligence

Russians claim downing of Il-76 plane disrupted prisoner exchange, Ukrainian POW Headquarters issue statement

Another PoW swap may be held in next few weeks – Human Rights Commissioner

ISW explains how Russia might use exchange of prisoners

Security Service of Ukraine shows Ukrainian defenders released from Russian captivity – video

There was a pause in PoW swaps, but never in swap negotiations – Zelenskyy

Complex, lengthy, supported by UAE – Defence Intelligence chief on "biggest PoW swap"

Record-breaking PoW swap: Ukraine brings back 230 soldiers and civilians from Russian captivity – photo, video

Last PoW swap was held on 7 August, Russia does not want to release prisoners – Human Rights Commissioner

Some prisoners-of-war exchanges happen on battlefield – Zelenskyy

Coordination Headquarters for Treatment of PoWs on why Russia suspended prisoner exchanges

Russian Telegram channels spread fake videos about new prisoner swap