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Zelenskyy: China discourages other countries from attending Peace Summit

China refuses to attend Peace Summit in Switzerland – Reuters

US support for Ukraine unwavering regardless of Peace Summit representation – White House

Putin still not ready for peace – Macron

Biden to likely miss Peace Summit in Switzerland

50 countries and organisations agreed to take part in Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland

UK Defence Secretary states UK will not push Ukraine to unjust peace

Ukraine's Foreign minister again denies rumours about failed peace agreement with Russia in spring 2022

German Chancellor on Ukraine's Peace Summit: This could be a big step

EU envoys reportedly agree on draft security agreement with Ukraine, to be finalised by July

Zelenskyy personally invites Argentinian president to Peace Summit

Zelenskyy: Putin will try to disrupt Peace Summit – video

Ukraine's Foreign Minister expresses opinion on Ukraine's concessions to Russia for peace

Ukraine's foreign minister explains why Ukraine sees no point in inviting Russia to Peace Summit

Zelenskyy: Global majority "must force Russia into peace", foundations will be laid in June

China can help restore peace in Ukraine – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy reiterates key principles with which Ukraine initiated Peace Summit

Ukrainian Peace Summit set to be held in Switzerland in mid-June

Peace summit in Switzerland planned for mid-June – Bloomberg

Over 160 countries but Russia to be invited to first inaugural Peace Summit

Zelenskyy on Trump: If someone can really end a war in 24 hours, I'd be thrilled

Kremlin official says he doesn't see how Trump can stop Russia's war against Ukraine

Italy sees "important signals" for starting peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

Ukraine, G7 and Global South countries hold secret meeting on "peace talks" with Russia – Bloomberg

Pope at Christmas Mass calls for peace, including in Ukraine

US State Department believes Putin won't agree to ceasefire in Ukraine before US elections

Third Peace Formula meeting with 65 countries present begins in Malta

Vatican envoy to visit Beijing for "peace talks" on Ukraine

Foreign Minister explains why Ukraine cannot conduct peace talks with Putin

No peace initiatives besides Zelenskyy's peace formula – Head of President's Office on success in Jeddah