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political prisoners

Kremlin political prisoner suffers heart attack due to poor conditions in Russian prison

71-year-old Ukrainian citizen accused of "espionage" dies in Russia

Russian court sentences Crimean journalist Ernes Ametov to 11 years' imprisonment

Russian invaders add another 4½ years to political prisoner's sentence

Russia continues to abuse imprisoned Ukrainian Marchenko – Human Rights Commissioner

Russia hides Ukrainian political prisoner taken to Crimea

Russia transfers Crimean activist to psychiatric hospital from detention facilities

Three Crimean Tatar political prisoners transferred from Crimea to Russia

Ukrainian woman imprisoned in Russia writes letter to Zelenskyy: Freedom has no price

Russians leave political prisoner without medical assistance after surgery

Political prisoner Andrii Zakhtei leaves Russia after over 6 years in captivity

Political prisoners are moved from Simferopol to secret detention centre on Crimean border – Ukraine's Ombudsman

Blogger convicted for reacting to Lukashenko caricature with smiley face dies in Belarusian prison

Crimean activist recounts how FSB beat "apology" to Putin and Russian army out of him

US imposes sanctions against a number of Russians for persecution of opposition politician Kara-Murza

Nobel laureate Bialiatski sentenced to 10 years in prison in Belarus

Ukrainian Ombudsman demands that Russia investigate deaths of political prisoners from Ukraine, prepares letter to UN

Ukrainian political prisoner dies in Russian pre-trial detention centre

The Russia concentration camp and the war we cannot lose. Notes of a free man from prison

Government Extends Sentsov-Kolchenko Sanction List

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved an extended sanction list of persons involved in illegal sentencing and other unlawful actions against Ukrainian citizens. The list was tabled with the National Security and Defense Council for endorsement.

Klimkin: 16 Ukrainians Are Being Detained in Crimea

Russia is holding 12 Ukrainian political prisoners, and 16 more are being detained in the annexed Crimea, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said on Friday, June 17.

Poroshenko Announces the Release of Afanasyev and Soloshenko

President Petro Poroshenko congratulated everyone on Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko’s return and said that other detainees Afanasyev and Soloshenko would be the next to be released, due to severe health problems such as cancer and sepsis.

Afanasyev and Soloshenko Unexpectedly Transferred to Moscow

Hennadiy Afanasyev and Yuriy Soloshenko, two Ukrainians convicted in Russia, have been transferred to Moscow after a request for their extradition to Ukraine was submitted to the Russian Federation.