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Anti-radiation shelters being built in 10 educational institutions in Vinnytsia

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence remembers submarine commander killed in Russia on anniversary of Vinnytsia attack

Russian-backed terrorists' proxy detained in Vinnytsia

Explosions reported in Vinnytsia and Zaporizhzhia

The Russian army fired advanced Kinzhal missiles at Vinnytsia region on 7 August

Russians hit military facilities with rockets in Vinnytsia oblast

Explosions rock the city of Vinnytsia and other parts of Ukraine

Losses as a result of the missile strike on Vinnytsia are estimated at 240 million hryvnias

Doctor’s death brings Vinnytsia death toll to 25

Several victims of Vinnytsia attack airlifted to Lviv

Vinnytsia Officers’ House survived WWII, and it will survive this war too – head of Oblast Military Administration

Vinnytsia missile strike: death toll rises to 24

Zelenskyy on Vinnytsia strike: 4 people missing, 4 in critical condition

The Russians changed versions of the attack on Vinnytsia three times – the Air Force

Russian invaders officially admit that they deliberately targeted civilians in Vinnytsia

Four people killed in Vinnytsia remain unidentified; the fate of 8 people is unknown

Two children and 11 adults who were killed in Vinnytsia remain unidentified

Three children have been killed by rockets in Vinnytsia, four more were injured – prosecutors

Russia struck Vinnytsia from a ship near Cape Fiolent in Crimea – Pivden (South) Operational Command

"Prison is the best thing you may face": Zelenskyy to Russians who fired missiles at Vinnytsia

Fragments found of Russian missiles fired at Vinnytsia, which the anti-aircraft defence managed to shoot down

Russian strike on Vinnytsia: 23 civilians killed, 5 injured in critical condition

Russian missile strike on Vinnytsia: bodies of 22 dead found, only 6 were identified 

Attack on Vinnytsia: rescuers search for 42 people with whom contact has been lost

Attack on Vinnytsia: Russian propagandists claim that occupiers targeted "nazis"

Vinnytsia was hit by "Calibres" from a submarine in the Black Sea 

Shelling of Vinnytsia: 21 people died, about 50 are seriously wounded

Zelenskyy reacted to the invaders' strike on Vinnytsia: this is a terrorist attack

Strike on Vinnytsia: Russians hit offices, 25 cars burn out, 20 dead

Russians hit the centre of Vinnytsia with rockets, there are fatalities and casualties