Leakage of Sheremet Carbomb Planting Video to be Investigated

Sunday, 24 July 2016, 23:29

The National Police launched internal investigation regarding the publication of the video footage from the crime scene of the assassination of Pavel Sheremet and in particular: the footage from the CCTV cameras which shows the moment of planting the bomb under the journalist’s car.

Khatia Dekanoidze, the Chief of the National Police, stated this during live interview on 112 Ukraine TV Channel. She said that the police is investigating whether the video was leaked by the law enforcement agencies. "Yesterday I ordered the Chief of Kyiv Police to start the investigation," — stated Dekanoidze.

"Secondly, if any information concerning the investigation is leaked to the media, it automatically means a relapse of the whole investigation. Any public discussion of the factual details of the investigation negatively impacts its quality," — Dekanoidze added.

The Chief of the Police added that currently the major task is to investigate the matter as soon as possible and media leaks are detrimental to the speed of the investigation.

Pavel Sheremet died in the morning of July 20, 2016 after his car, which is owned by the Founding Editor of Ukrayinska Pravda Olena Prytula, exploded. Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko named the professional activity of Sheremet the main motive of the assassination.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 195.68.202.---San Itar25.07.2016 00:07
Відео «караванського стрілка» свого часу дуже ускладнило роботу ментам: довелося шукати хоч трошки схожого чоловіка на роль убивці. Луценко, краще б ти ловив убивць, ніж тих киян, які намагаються донести правду до відома громадськості. Чи боїшся, що знову призначений поліцією на вбивцю не буде схожим на вбивцю із відео?
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