11 military landing crafts set off from Crimea to Odessa, Armed Forces are ready to repel - Arestovich

Sunday, 27 February 2022, 23:22

Denys Karlovskyy - Monday, February 28, 2022, 00:22

An adviser to the head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovych stated that 11 military landing crafts had left the ports of the occupied Crimea to debark in Odesa. Ukrainian Armed Forces are ready to repel.

Source: Arestovych's briefing

Ad verbatim: "According to estimates, 11 large Russian military landing crafts, each carrying a set of about a battalion, are put to sea and are looking for trouble somewhere out there, possibly near Odesa.

They may try to debark an assault force, but we will see how they manage ... We’ll see what is the Russian military's landing operation like, and what is the Ukrainian military defence against the landing operation like. I think our people will manage better as always. "

Details: Arestovych also clarified that out of 4,500 casualties of the invader’s forces, the Ukrainian authorities estimate about 1,500 dead and 3,000 wounded.

Yermak's adviser said that the Ukrainian military managed to regain control over Volnovakha in the Donetsk region on the evening of February 28.

He said that the invaders managed to seize Berdyansk because there were no units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In addition, small reserves of the Russian invaders from the Crimea are moving to Kherson, he reported.

At the same time, Arestovich believes that Russian troops are making a tactical retreat near Kyiv.