Danilov shamed French companies doing business with Russia

Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 22:27


Secretary of the National Security and defence Council Oleksiy Danilov shamed French companies that continue to do business with the occupying country Russia.

Source: Danilov in an interview with Ukrainian news outlet NV

Quote: "I feel regret when companies stay in Russia when they sell freedom and democracy for money, and at the same time claim that they are free democracies. It crosses certain lines.

By the way, France is at the top of the list here. Almost all French companies remain in the aggressor country and work for blood-stained money. This money is soaked in blood of our children, our loved ones. They need to think about it.

Don't they understand that Putin is using this money to buy missiles that kill children? They need to be aware of this. And only by being united with the whole world, we can slow down this disease, which is in Russia. But even if the French and the Germans do not help us, I am more than sure that victory will be ours."