General Staff Summary: attack on Kyiv is improbable, the aggressor is focusing on Donbas

Friday, 18 March 2022, 00:24

Olha Hlushchenko - Friday, 18 March 2022, 01:24

According to the General Staff, the aggresors’ troops can not resume the attack on Kyiv in the near future due to their losses. Instead, the adversary is focusing on Donbass.

Source: General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces on Facebook

Details: The aggressors did not conduct active offensive operations in the Polissya region. The aggressors' main efforts were focused on maintaining the previously occupied borders and carrying out preparatory measures for a possible attack on Kyiv. The low moral and psychological condition of private soldiers and sergeants of the occupying forces, as well as the lack of experienced commanders of tactical units after the losses inflicted by Ukrainian defenders, rule out resuming offensive operations in the near future.

The aggressors concentrated their main efforts on preparing for the attack on Severodonetsk and the encirclement of Mariupol (Luhansk and Donetsk directions).

The aggressors did not carry out offensive operations in Volyn. They continued to strengthen the protection of the Ukrainian-Belarusian border by units of Belarusian Armed Forces. The probability of provocations by the Russian Federation special services is high.

The aggressors are trying to maintain certain borders, restore the combat capability of units and replenish supplies (Sivershchyna direction). The invaders continue to partially blockade the city of Chernihiv and carry out artillery shelling of the city.

The enemy did not conduct active hostilities near Brovary.

The occupying forces periodically carry out artillery shelling of Ukrainian Armed Forces positions in Brovary town.