Cyberpolice have already blocked 1,500 resources of the Russian occupiers

Friday, 18 March 2022, 16:20


The cyberpolice have already blocked 1,500 enemy resources with an audience of nearly 15 million.

Source: National Police Chief Ihor Klymenko on Facebook

Ihor Klymenko: "Citizens are actively helping law enforcement officers to counter the Russian occupiers on the information front. With the help of chatbots in Telegram, users are reporting hostilities of the Russian aggressors on the territory of our country, as well as propaganda and disinformation that they have detected."

Details: It is reported that on 26 February, the cyberpolice created the Telegram channel StopRussiaChannel | MRIYA and launched a Telegram bot -

How it works: Users send the bot a link to a community they consider unsafe. They then evaluate the content and complain about the enemy resources.

It is stated that about 150,000 participants have joined the channel since its launch. They have sent more than 3,200,000 complaints about various information resources of the occupiers.

More than 3,000 publications justifying war crimes and the deaths of Ukrainian civilians have also been blocked.

Another specialised Telegram bot is "Narodnyy mestnyk" (ukraine_avanger_bot). Here, users can report marks left by the enemy, equipment or enemy troops they have found, cases of looting, and the location of unexploded ordnances.

As of 18 March, more than 44,000 messages have been received through the bot.