15,000 people sheltering from Russian bombs in Kyiv Metro

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 11:49

By Valentyna Romanenko. Wednesday, 2 March 2022 at 12.49

15,000 people are currently sheltering from Russian bombs in the Kyiv Metro. The infrastructure can hold up to 100,000 people. 

Source: Head of the Kyiv Metro service Victor Brahinskyy, via the Metro’s spokeswoman.

Quote: "The Metro has been operating as a mode of transport and as a shelter since the first day of the war. The stations have water, bathrooms, food, and, where possible, medicine.

Many people don’t have anywhere to go back to anymore. A few metres of floor and a blanket have become their only home. We are talking about thousands and thousands of people. This is not an exaggeration… Currently, up to 15,000 Kyivans are sheltering with us. Our infrastructure can take up to 100,000 people. 

Our staff are exhausted, but we are doing everything we can to save the lives of innocent civilians."

Details: The Kyiv Metro service reminds you: during the day, trains are running. During the curfew, the Metro stations are open only as shelters. 

The head of the Kyiv Metro called on people to take warm clothes and food with them, and to support those around them, especially women with children and the elderly.