Russians hack websites of Ukrainian municipal authorities, plant fake information on country's surrender

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 17:24

Valentyna Romanenko – Thursday, 3 March 2022, 18:24

The enemy has hacked some websites of regional authorities and local governments, and uses them to spread misinformation about an alleged "surrender and signing of a peace treaty with Russia."

Source: Security Service of Ukraine

Quote: "We affirm: it's a FAKE!

The aggressors are trying to disorient us, cause a panic, make citizens despair, and persuade our troops to surrender. The state leadership, together with the people, opposes the Russian troops and does everything possible to liberate Ukrainian territories from the enemy.

All authorities, troops, and law enforcement forces will stand until the victory!"

Details: In particular, the website of the Zhydachiv community was hacked. Ukrainians are asked to ignore and avoid the spreading of false information among acquaintances, in chats, and on social networks.