Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out at least seven counter-attacks in one day – Arestovych

Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 12:34

TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022, 13:34

Ukrainian Armed Forces have carried out at least seven counter-attacks in the last 24 hours.

Source: Briefing by Oleksiy Arestovych, an Adviser to the Ukrainian President's Chief of Staff

Quote: "The Armed Forces are in control of the situation: shooting down the aggressor’s planes and cruise missiles. Like we are doing tonight, we are not allowing the enemy to move where he wants to."

Quote: "Mariupol is holding up heroically. There was a counter-attack and the tank column was destroyed. The Joint Forces Operation zone is being held, in which one of the Ukrainian airborne units destroyed the aggressor’s column.

Kharkiv is on the counter-attack. That is, our army knows very well what it is doing."

Previously: In Sumy, the defenders of Ukraine seized a Russian parade tank – it was intact and flying the flag of the Russian Federation.