Donbas: Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down Russian helicopter and repulsed attacks

Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 23:24

Kateryna Tyshchenko - Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 23:24

Ukrainian troops successfully repulsed a series of attacks by the Russian aggressors, shot down a helicopter and two drones, and destroyed several units of aggressors’ military equipment in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, April 12.

Source: Joint Forces Operation headquarters on Facebook

Details: Ukrainian defenders continue to hold the line in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Joint Forces Operation headquarters reported, noting the skill of Ukrainian Armed Forces, that 6 enemy attacks were successfully repulsed over the past 24 hours. The Russian aggressors suffered losses.

In particular, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 2 vehicles, 3 enemy artillery systems, and shot down a Russian helicopter.

Quote: "Air Defence units shot down one helicopter and two enemy unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace of Ukrainian Donbas."

"Ukrainian military personnel continue to repel the aggressor's invasion with bravery and heroism! Together for victory!"