Ministry of Defence explains how the aggressors are preparing for a new offensive in the east

Friday, 15 April 2022, 23:20

Kateryna Tyshchenko - Friday, 15 April 2022, 23:20

Russian troops are actively preparing for a new offensive in eastern Ukraine, including preparing medical infrastructure and the territory of Belarus for launching missiles.

Source: Deputy Minister of Defence, Anna Malyar on air during the national 24/7 newscast  

Quote: "They are actively preparing for it (the offensive in the east - ed.). Not only are they amassing their weapons, military equipment, and personnel, but they are also preparing medical infrastructure to help the injured.

They are accumulating provisions and fully preparing the territory of Belarus for anticipated missile strikes.

And they are moving troops, changing their strategies somewhat, looking for our weak spots in order to hit them."

Details: Asked how Russia might respond to the sinking of the cruiser "Moskva", Anna Malyar said that "the Russian army is vindictive" and "part of the operation is managed in an emotional way."

"It is highly likely that these decisions are made not even by a military person, but by a civilian. I mean Putin. Because sometimes there is no military expediency in what is being done," she added.

At the same time, according to her, the Russians are already waging an active phase of the war against Ukraine and "firing missiles all over the east."

"What else can they do if they are already at war?" Anna Malyar said.