Zaporizhzhia Oblast: Russian troops advance, damage residential buildings and train carriage

Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 09:16

Olena Roshchina – Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 09:16

The Russian army is conducting offensive operations on Trudoliubivka, in Orikhiv District of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. 8 houses in the town of Polohy were damaged. A passenger carriage was damaged at the railway station in the town of Molochansk.

Source: Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration on Telegram, information as of 08:00 on 26 April

According to Zaporizhzhia Military Administration: "On the Zaporizhzhia front, the enemy is conducting offensive operations in the direction of the village of Trudoliubivka. The situation remains under control.

In the town of Polohy, 8 houses were damaged and reeds caught fire as a result of enemy shelling.

In Vasylivka, the buildings of a petrol station caught fire as a result of Russian strikes.

In the town of Molochansk, Polohy District, a railway passenger car was damaged by fire at the railway station due to the military actions of the Russian Federation.

Russian shelling caused fires in a residential area of Orikhiv."

Details: There is currently no information about the consequences of the morning missile strikes on Zaporizhzhia.

Near ​​the village of Komyshuvakha, State Emergency Service demining teams destroyed the remnants of Uragan [Hurricane] missiles, and neutralised 12 remnants of a Uragan shell and a 152-millimetre artillery shell in Tavriiske, Polohy District.

62 people, including 58 men and 4 women, were detained and taken to police stations for violating curfew rules.

Over the course of 25 April, 28 detainees were sent to regional territorial centres for staffing and social support, where they were handed summonses.

Earlier, British intelligence reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were reinforcing Zaporizhzhia’s defences to prepare for a possible attack by Russia from the south.