Luhansk Military Administration: at least 7 buildings destroyed, 1 civilian killed

Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 07:42

Olha Hlushchenko – Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 07:42

Over the course of Tuesday, 26 April, nearly all of Luhansk Region was shelled by the Russian army. Rescuers recorded the destruction of 7 buildings, with many more damaged.

Source: Serhii Haidai, Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram; Luhansk Regional State Administration

According to Haidai: "Almost everywhere the enemy has targeted residential buildings.

In Sievierodonetsk, an apartment in a high-rise apartment building caught fire, 2 houses were set on fire in Rubizhne, 1 in Nyzhnie and 2 more in Lysychansk, where the fire also engulfed a market square, damaging some of the stalls.

During the evacuation of civilians, including 8 children, from Bilohorivka, Russian troops opened fire on the entire village. As a result, another home has been made unfit for habitation."

"A local resident was killed in the shelling of Pryvillia.

It happened last night [on 26 April]. A Russian shell hit the courtyard of a private house while a 68-year-old man was at home. He died on the spot.

Earlier, the enemy shelled a school in Lysychansk; 23 people, including children, were sheltering in the school’s basement. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

Details: Haidai added that this was a summary of only those incidents where Russian shelling caused substantial fires.

"There are buildings whose walls were breached by Russian shells, whose windows are damaged, where part of the roof is missing – but no one called the rescuers because there was no fire. These damages will be tallied up over the course of the day, especially during the search for unexploded ordnance," Haidai said.