At least one person killed in the shelling of Novooleksiivka

Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 21:36

WEDNESDAY, 6 APRIL 2022, 21:36

At least one person has been killed in the shelling of Novooleksiivka in Kherson oblast. 

Source: Eskender Bariiev, member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, on Facebook 

Quote: "According to preliminary information, at least one person has been killed in the village of Novooleksiivka, after the shelling of the residential building (Cheremushky) at 58 Lesya Ukrainka Street.

The Russians also blew up 3 garages and brought their military equipment onto Komsomolska Street.

The occupiers continue to take repressive actions throughout the Henichesk district of Kherson oblast. Cars are being stopped, and people are being detained and taken to the ‘basement’ of specialised school #17, where the invaders have set up a facility for ‘interrogations and intimidation’."