Russian army using civilian airport in Belgorod - Schemes

Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 20:29


A satellite has recorded that the Russian army is using the airport in the city of Belgorod, Russia, which previously served only civilian flights, for military purposes. 

Source: Radio Liberty’s investigative group Schemes (Skhemy)

Details: Planet Labs recorded 8 helicopters and several motor vehicles on the territory of the civilian airport on 14 May.

A military expert believes that the helicopters seen on the territory of the airport are Mi-8s.

There are also tents near the runway where the helicopters are located. According to the expert, these may contain personnel, combat kits or fuel.

In the eastern part of the airport, satellite images show traces of vehicles passing through.

Part of the territory nearby has been excavated.

Yurii Zbanatskyi, a member of the board of the Ukrainian Military Centre, suggests that the Russian military may use the civilian airport to remove wounded and dead soldiers from the war zone, or as a trans-shipment point for refuelling aircraft.