Ukrainian Defenders continue to hold Russian troops in the east at bay, repelling 12 attacks – summary

Thursday, 26 May 2022, 22:41

Svitlana Kizilova Thursday, 26 May 2022, 22:41

Ukrainian Joint Forces units continued to conduct a defence operation on the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts on 26 May, with the aggressors launching massive attacks along the entire line of defence using various weapons.

Source: summary by Joint Forces Operation headquarters, "Skhid" (East) Operational Command on Facebook

Details: Russian invaders are using combat aircraft, multiple rocket launchers, large-calibre artillery, tanks, mortars of various systems in the east. They are launching missile and bomb strikes on civilian infrastructure and peaceful residential areas.

The aggressors shelled almost 50 settlements in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, destroying and damaging 60 civilian objects, including 55 residential buildings, a school, a mining company, a recreation centre administrative building, and a fire station. 9 civilians were killed and 14 others sustained injuries of varying degrees of severity as a result of these shellings.

Ukrainian defenders of the Joint Forces repulsed 12 enemy attacks.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are inflicting losses on the invaders in terms of manpower and military equipment. Over the past 24 hours, the Joint Forces destroyed:

  • 1 tank
  • 5 artillery systems
  • 5 units of combat armoured vehicles
  • 5 enemy cars

"Skhid" Operational Command added that 87 Russian invaders had also been killed.

Air Defence units shot down a Russian Ka-52 multi-purpose helicopter, a cruise missile and an Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle in Ukrainian Donbass airspace.