Anti-aircraft gunners of the Air Force of Ukraine shoot down their 500th enemy target

Friday, 10 June 2022, 22:51

VALENTYNA ROMANENKO – Friday, 10 June 2022, 21:51

On Friday, 10 June, anti-aircraft missiles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the 500th Russian target.

Source: Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Air Force Command, in a comment to "Ukrainska Pravda"

Quote: "The ‘Anniversary’ target was another Orlan-10 UAV of the Russian invaders. We were hoping for a little more, but ruscist aircraft are not frequent guests above the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

Details: According to Ignat, since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, anti-aircraft missile forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroying all types of air targets: aeroplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, UAVs, and sometimes missiles fired by operational and tactical systems.

On 10 June, two Orlan-10 operational-tactical UAVs were destroyed by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Two more Orlans were shot down by the air defence of the Ground  Forces.

The spokesman added that the strike aircraft of the Air Forces have conducted missile and airstrikes on Russian equipment, positions, and field infrastructure. At least five armoured vehicles have been destroyed and several dozen Russian occupiers have been killed so far.