Defenders promise to win back Mariupol: Putin thinks Azov has been left behind underneath Azovstal, but Azov is all of Ukraine

Monday, 13 June 2022, 19:44


On the eighth anniversary of the liberation of Mariupol from pro-Russian terrorists, defenders of the city from the Azov Regiment said they would return it [to Ukrainian control].

Source: Azov Regiment on Telegram

Quote: "We will avenge every victim. Every destroyed building. Every street that Russia has desecrated by its ‘liberation’.

Putin thinks that Azov has been left behind under the rubble of Azovstal. But Azov is now the whole country. Azov will take Mariupol back.

And we will fight until every Ukrainian city and village is liberated from the occupiers."

Details: The defenders noted that Mariupol was liberated from pro-Russian terrorists eight years ago.

They noted that the city used to celebrate this day every year, but Mariupol and the soldiers of the Azov Regiment are not up to celebrating now: "But Azov is alive. And the city will live on."