Russians loot everything from batteries to perfume: the SSU shares a video of a Russian “assault” on a store

Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 12:37


The Security Service of Ukraine [SSU] has published new video evidence of Russian military looting in Ukraine.

Source: SSU press service

Quote from SSU: "The Russian army is a refuge for thieves who steal everything they see from Ukrainians. One such case was recorded by surveillance cameras in Sumy Oblast. Thanks to our defenders, there are no more occupiers there, but the ‘memory’ of them is preserved on video."

Details: According to a recording apparently made in March 2022, first Russian soldiers "heroically" broke down the door of the store, and then began to "demilitarise" its shelves.

They stole everything they could get their hands on: from batteries to perfume. Even the bags they loaded their loot into were taken from the store.