Kremlin puppets claim that 70 fighters from Azot chemical plant in Sievierodonetsk are being held captive

Sunday, 26 June 2022, 16:10


Rodіon Mіroshnik, a representative of the Russian-occupied territories of Luhansk Oblast, claims that several dozen Ukrainian soldiers from the Azot chemical plant in Sievierodonetsk have been captured.

Source: the Russian news agency TASS, which refers to Rodion Mіroshnik as the "ambassador of the Luhansk People’s Republic to Russia"

Details: According to Mіroshnik, up to 70 fighters from Azot in Sievierodonetsk have been "captured".

Miroshnik said that the settlements on the left bank of the Siverskyi Donets River  have been "cleared", as has Sievierodonetsk Airport.

He also claims that the invaders are already in the industrial zone south of Lysychansk.

Reminder: Lysychansk is the last city in Luhansk Oblast that is under the control of the Ukrainian authorities. Russian troops have focused on it since the capture of Sievierodonetsk.