Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is being pushed towards 'peace', but with benefits for Russia

Monday, 6 June 2022, 18:39


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Western politicians and the media are beginning to push Ukraine to end the war with a result that is not beneficial for Ukraine, but Zelenskyy assured that he is not holding such talks with anyone.

Source: Zelenskyy at a meeting with journalists on 6 June

Quote: "I do not have any negotiations on any plans (on the peace plan, which is being discussed by the United States, the European Union and Britain - ed.); such negotiations are currently at zero.

Everyone really wants to push us little by little towards some result that is definitely undesirable for us, because we have not been asked yet, but beneficial for other parties that have their own interests. Again, different: both financial and political.

Fatigue is growing, people want some kind of result for themselves, and you and I need a result - for us.

Thus, I did not discuss with them the structures for resolving the issue of this war with a positive result for us."

Details: At the same time, Zelenskyy believes that Ukraine should work "with all European countries, world powers."