Hero dog Patron receives awards from two US veteran organisations

Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 12:01

Star bomb disposal dog Patron ("Bullet"), who works for the State Emergency Service, has received commemorative awards from two US veterans' organisations at once.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Bomb Techs Without Borders awarded Patron a certificate and a combat coin.

The awards were presented by Bomb Techs Without Borders founder Matthew Howard and Military Officers Association of America representative Donna Culp.

This is reported on Patron’s personal Facebook page.

Read more: "Palm Dog": Patron from the State Emergency Service receives award in Cannes

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is one of the oldest organisations in the United States.

Founded in 1936, it has approximately 2 million members today.

"The organisation has branches in every state and the federal district of Columbia, and in 19 other countries around the world, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Latin America," says Patron.

Bomb Techs Without Borders was founded in late 2018 by a group of US Army veterans.

One of the aims of the organisation's work is to raise awareness about mines and other explosive devices, from North America to Europe.

The organisation is currently working with Ukrainian emergency workers.

A quick reminder that earlier, in Cannes, Patron was presented with a special Palm Dog award - this is the most prestigious film award given to animals.

The star sapper dog has also received a Golden Paw Hero Dog Award from the Irish Kennel Club.