Russia launches information campaign in Germany to discredit Ukraine – intelligence

Saturday, 16 July 2022, 17:12


Russia has made another attempt to discredit Ukraine and its political leadership in the West by posting and distributing false material in the German media outlet Deutschland-Kurier with the headline "That nice Mr Zelenskyy: did his special services spy on OSCE employees?"

Source: press service of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Quote: "Journalists at the German newspaper Deutschland-Kurier were handed materials that had supposedly been seized by the Russians at the regional branch of the Security Service of Ukraine in Mariupol. The ‘documents’ provided refer to work that the special service of Ukraine allegedly did at the OSCE Mission in Donbas."

Details: According to intelligence data, to distribute the material, handlers from the Russian president’s administration used a so-called "fake factory" which came up with provocative comments for social media.

These included "It's time to finish with Ukraine. Let Putin deal with it" and "I don't understand why we continue to support a regime that smells worse every day", among others.

The Intelligence Service states that generous injections of funds from the invading country are still enabling Russia to buy the loyalty of individual Western journalists, experts and politicians.