Russian rockets hit a school and a granary near Dnipro

Monday, 18 July 2022, 14:02

On Monday, 18 July, the Russian rockets hit a school and a grain elevator in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Source: Valentyn Reznichenko, the head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Reznichenko: "The enemy shelled the Synelnykove district (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast - ed). The rocket hit the elevator. Warehouses with more than five thousand tons of grain have been destroyed there. Another strike hit the schoolyard. The facade and roof of the local lyceum have been damaged. More than 50 windows have been broken. And a private yard of local residents has been hit."

Details: According to preliminary information, there are no casualties. The head of the Oblast Military Administration added that there were no military personnel in the villages.


  • As a result of the Russian army attack on Dnipro on 15 July, three people were killed and another 15 people were injured.
  • On 18 July, the head of the Nikopol regional military administration of the Dnipropetrovsk region reported that the city of Nikopol had been shelled.