Kuleba explains what would cause Ukraine to sever diplomatic relations with Belarus

Monday, 18 July 2022, 15:53


Ukraine will break off diplomatic relations with Belarus if its troops cross the border to support the Russian invasion.

This was stated by Dmytro Kuleba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an interview with Forbes, reports European Pravda

"Belarus is an accomplice to the crime of aggression, there is no doubt about that. We broke off diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation immediately after the start of the full-scale attack. Relations with Belarus will likewise be severed if the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus cross the border of Ukraine," Kuleba said.

The minister also explained that the option of transiting Ukrainian grain through the territory of Belarus was considered only as a last hope, if nothing else worked.

"No one wanted to have anything to do with Minsk, which is an accomplice in aggression, on any trade issues. But logisticians and private investors (traders) did great work expanding the possibilities of overland routes through EU countries, and there has been progress in the negotiations on the sea route, so the emergency Belarusian route is no longer on the agenda," he said.

The self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, said earlier that he did not want to fight against Ukraine and alleged that Kyiv is interested in the direct entry of Belarus into the war.

Lukashenko has also accused Ukraine of firing rockets on Belarusian territory and has ordered his military to "target" decision-making centres in the capitals of Minsk's opponents.