Russians threaten to strike Palace of Children's Art in Zaporizhzhia

Saturday, 2 July 2022, 10:34


The Russian Ministry of Defence has claimed that the Ukrainian military has allegedly deployed a stronghold in Zaporizhzhia in the building of the city's Palace of Children's Art.

Source: Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Quote from the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: "In Zaporizhzhia, in the building of the City Palace of Children's Art (Zaporizhzhia Square), the [Ukrainian - ed.] nationalists have deployed a stronghold, equipped with a warehouse of weapons and ammunition.

And fire and sniper points have been set up along the perimeter of the institution and on the upper floors of nearby residential buildings."

Why this is important: Judging from previous experience, the Russians use statements like this in advance to "justify" their strikes on civilian targets in Ukraine, explaining it as "demilitarisation and de-Nazification."