Zelenskyy’s advice to those who cannot bear to witness evil committed by Russia

Saturday, 30 July 2022, 00:05


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged all those who cannot bear to see the information about the brutality of Russian forces to ramp up their support for and aid to Ukraine.

Source: Zelenskyy’s video address

Quote: "Russian terror is primarily aimed at breaking our inner strength. Russia cannot do anything to us on the battlefield. Our defenders are very strong. You and I should be just as strong.

Our emotions, our common will to fight must be strong until our very victory. No matter what the occupiers do, no matter how they try to break our spirit, we must hold on, be mobilised and fully focused on what is necessary for our victory.

If any of you feel that you cannot stand the evil that you see, think about how else you can personally help the defence of Ukraine. Help the Armed Forces! Tell the world the facts about Russian terror! And convince everyone you know in partner countries to increase aid to Ukraine."