Occupiers shell Kharkiv using S-300 missiles, there is damage

Sunday, 31 July 2022, 11:50


Ihor Terekhov, the Mayor of Kharkiv, has reported that "a whole series of explosions" were heard in the city.

Source: Terekhov on Telegram; Oleg Syniehubov, head of the Oblast Military Administration; the Prosecutor General's Office

Quote from Terekhov: "Another overnight shelling of Kharkiv. Today there was a whole series of explosions.

We know that the Nemyshlianskyi neighbourhood has been hit. According to preliminary information, several buildings have been damaged."

Details: Terekhov added that information about other strikes – including information about the sites that were struck – is being verified.

Updated: According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, on 31 July, around 4:00, the Russian military launched a missile attack on the village of Butivka, in Chuhuiv district. As a result, farm buildings were damaged.

At 4:15, the occupiers also shelled the Nemyshlyanskyi district of Kharkiv, and an industrial building was partially destroyed.

According to the Oblast Military Administration, there were no casualties as a result of the shelling of Kharkiv, though some equipment and printing products were on fire.

Syniehubov notes that the strikes were carried out by a S-300 anti-aircraft missile complex.