Belarus launches flash mob against war: "Let evil sons go under bombs"

Wednesday, 6 July 2022, 12:13


The Union of Mothers in Belarus initiated a campaign against the war: women are putting toys in plain sight, accompanying them with their views on the war.

Source: Souz materey (Soyuz Materej, or Union of Mothers)

Quote: "Mothers of Belarus are against the war! To show this, they put their children's toys where people will see them and write what they think about the war. (…)

In Belarus, any dissent is met with fierce reprisals. Those who dare to say a word against the authorities are fired, beaten, and even sentenced to death. Therefore, the women who decided to undertake this amazing action are an example for us."

Details: Photos with children's toys call for peace.

One of the mothers wrote: "My baby elephant, my kitten, my baby boy. Your mother will not allow you to lose your life. We are against war! Let evil sons go under the bombs!!"

Belarusian mothers are urging people to join the action all over the country and show that Belarusians are against children dying. 

To remain as safe as possible, participants are advised to:

  •         Leave labels printed on the printer next to the toys
  •         Leave toys either where there is no one at the moment, or in entrances
  •         Delete photos immediately after sending them to Souz materey (Soyuz materej) .