Under Russian occupation, collaborators are removed from power and Russians appointed to their "posts" – "Sprotyv"

Friday, 8 July 2022, 17:04


In the temporarily occupied territories, Russians have begun to remove collaborators from power and to appoint members of the Russian security forces to their posts.

Source: "Sprotyv", the website of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

Details: In particular, in the Kherson region, after the appointment of Russian Federal Security Service officer Sergei Eliseev as head of the "government", the collaborator Volodymyr Saldo is performing representative functions, and Saldo’s "deputies" were searched.

In addition, in occupied Melitopol, traitors from within the police have been removed from senior positions. In their place, the police will be led by Russians.

In addition, according to the information available, delegations of deputies belonging to the United Russia party are ignoring self-proclaimed mayors and other collaborators during their visit to the occupied cities.