Up to 100 people leave occupied Mariupol every day; the city is becoming deserted

Tuesday, 2 August 2022, 15:49


People continue to be evacuated from the city of Mariupol, which is occupied by the Russians.

Source: Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, on air during the national joint newscast

Quote from Andriushchenko: "Evacuation is going on now... We continue to record about 50-100 people leaving Mariupol every day. There are those who want to go, and we are now seeing a new wave of people who want to evacuate, as a result of the actions of the occupiers in the middle of the city.

Moscow overseers and former criminal authorities from Mariupol have appeared there again. A real racket is operating. Anyone who wanted to set up a new business in Mariupol had to flee. So we are expecting a new wave of evacuations."

Details: Andriushchenko said that before the occupation, about 530,000 people lived in the city. Now there are 120,000-130,000 left. About 70,000 of them are elderly people.

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