Russian Defence Minister says idea to ban Russians from EU entry rooted in nazism

Saturday, 20 August 2022, 19:52


Sergei Shoigu, Russian Minister of Defence, said that the idea to ban Russian citizens from entering the EU countries is a manifestation of a nazi politics.

Source: Shoigu during the so-called First International Anti-fascist Congress in the Patriot park on the outskirts of Moscow, quoted by RIA Novosti, a Kremlin-aligned Russian news agency

Quote from Shoigu: "Today we can see another striking manifestation of the nazi politics when European politicians actively advocate the Russophobe ban on entry to the European Union for all Russian citizens."

Details: Shoigu said that the Baltic states in particular are increasingly ignoring "the fundamental principles of the world order and the legal and political assessment of the Nuremberg trials".

"The marches of the SS legionnaires have become customary in Estonia and Latvia, where monuments and memorials to war criminals are also erected. Nazi slogans and calls are openly chanted on the streets of Lithuania," Shoigu stated.

The spectacle of the Russian First International Anti-fascist Congress is a part of the Army-2022 forum.

RIA Novosti notes that the forum is "designed to offer a platform for defending the historical truth regarding the USSR’s decisive input in the defeat of fascism during WWII, as well as for countering the spread of nazi ideology."

Background: During a meeting on 31 August, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EU countries will discuss the introduction of visa restrictions for Russian citizens, due to the war in Ukraine.

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