Russian occupiers prepare minors for war and kidnap children to blackmail relatives – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Monday, 22 August 2022, 09:09

MONDAY, 22 AUGUST 2022, 09:09

Russian occupiers have begun preparing minors for war in Luhansk Oblast, almost the entirety of which has been captured by Russian forces. The Russians are attempting to break through the Ukrainian defences on the eastern front.

Source: Serhii Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Details: Russian forces are continuing to attempt to find weaknesses in Ukrainian defences. They also continue to fire on the towns and villages of Luhansk Oblast.

They carried out seven rocket strikes, fired on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces eleven times using tubed artillery and multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) and attempted to undertake five tank assaults over the course of the previous night.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled five large-scale Russians attacks on 21 August; fighting is currently underway on six other axes.

In addition, the Russians are continuing to resort to terrorist tactics, targeting civilian and critical infrastructure in Luhansk Oblast.

Over the course of the past 24 hours, they carried out airstrikes near three towns and villages on the administrative border between Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts.

Quote: "On numerous occasions I’ve recounted the measures used by the occupiers to forcibly mobilise men of conscription age. There’s almost no one left to work there [in Luhansk Oblast - ed.], for example, 430 workers of the Dovzhansk mine have been mobilised. Soon women will have no one to marry.

Meanwhile, the Russians have begun preparing older kids for war. In the Bilovodsk district, thirty schoolchildren were ‘solemnly sworn in and initiated into the Young Guard military-patriotic movement’ on the 225th anniversary of the village of Novoderkul.

Did they even grasp the consequences of what was happening? I doubt it. Parents, or more accurately mothers, might have known. And still they let their kids attend the event and have resigned themselves to just observe this absurd event, which will beget only death.

Meanwhile, residents of Luhansk have reported numerous instances of children aged 14-18 being kidnapped. They are detained until their identity can be confirmed. This process takes not the usual 72 hours, but as long as it takes for the child’s father or brother to arrive. They are then faced with the question: "Who do you want to go to the front, if not this child?".

"Young Guard" in the village of Novoderkul, Bilovodsky District, 20 August 2022.
PHOTO from

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