Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Buk and Sani systems, and neutralise group of invaders – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 01:26

Olha Hlushchenko — Monday, 22 August 2022, 01:26

The Ukrainian military has killed 17 invaders and destroyed a Buk anti-aircraft missile system, a Sani heavy towed mortar system and other Russian military equipment on the southern lines of defence.

Source: Operational Command Pivden (South) on Facebook

Quote: "[The Russian troops] attacked Odesa and Mykolaiv oblasts with airborne missiles during the day. In the first case, an X-59 missile targeted an infrastructure facility in the region. In the second case, an X-31 missile targeting the area around Koblevo was shot down by air defence forces over the sea. There were no casualties or property damage reported.

The enemy attacked our positions along the line of contact eight times using helicopters and attack aircraft. [Ukrainian forces] report no losses."

Details: The Ukrainian Air Force hit one of the aggressors’ strong points, and areas where manpower, weapons and equipment were concentrated, along with ammunition storage sites and Russian anti-aircraft defence systems.

Ukrainian missile and artillery units inflicted the following losses to the Russian forces during the execution of fire missions: 17 servicemen, one Buk anti-aircraft missile system, one Sani 120 mm heavy towed mortar system, and 5 motor and armoured vehicles.

Significant damage was inflicted on the Antonivka Bridge, considerable damage to the bridge across the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant has been confirmed, and a Russian ammunition storage site in Kakhovka was destroyed.

Thirteen ships are manoeuvring along the Crimean coast, hiding in missile-safe areas in the Black Sea. This group includes four missile carriers, of which one is a submarine, armed with 28 Kalibr missiles.

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