4 Melitopol residents taken to Moscow to be sentenced to life imprisonment – Melitopol Mayor

Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 08:51

Four residents of the city of Melitopol (in Zaporizhzhia Oblast) were taken to a detention centre in Moscow on the night of 22 August, where they are expected to be sentenced to life imprisonment for their alleged subversive activities.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol, on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast

Quote from Fedorov: "Last night [22 August - ed.] we received the news that today, the Ruscists [Russian soldiers] sent four Melitopol residents to the Lefortovo detention centre in Moscow in order to sentence them to life imprisonment for their alleged subversive activities on the territory of Russia.

But we understand very well that they operated on the territory of our Ukrainian Melitopol and did not take any subversive actions. These people were forced to self-incriminate under pressure and threats [from the Russians - ed.]. The enemy customarily resorts to these methods on the [temporarily] occupied territory [of Ukraine]."

Details: Fedorov also noted that the Russian-appointed puppet leaders have put forward the idea that Ukrainian defenders will be tried in Russian-occupied Melitopol.

He said that they are planning to hold a show trial, similar to the one planned in Mariupol for 24 August.

Fedorov also expects that Ukrainians will not attend the show trial of Azovstal defenders in Mariupol because they understand that those soldiers are heroes who prevented the Russian forces from advancing further into Ukraine.

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