Russia will no longer be player on European energy market – Zelenskyy

Thursday, 25 August 2022, 22:25

Kateryna Tyshchenko — Thursday, 25 August 2022, 22:25

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced that Russian anti-European policy in the energy sector is destructive for the Russian Federation itself.

Source: Presidential video address

Quote: "Gas prices in Europe have already exceeded the level of $3,300 per  thousand cubic metres today due to Russian gas blackmail. This Russian anti-European policy is truly destructive, but in a strategic perspective [it is damaging] Russia itself. 

There will no longer be such a player on the European energy market as Russia."

Details: Zelenskyy noted that the current situation is very dangerous and acute, but most European states have approached energy issues "very responsibly".

"If someone in Russia thinks they will bring Europe as a whole or Ukraine or other particular countries to their knees this winter, then this is a miscalculation. I believe that Europe is strong enough to correct the mistakes of the past, to become independent from the Russian energy system, from Russian energy carriers and to resist the blackmail of Gazprom energy terrorists," the President said.

He added that Ukraine closely coordinates actions with partners regarding these issues.

"The Government of Ukraine, our state-owned companies are doing everything to make sure that we are ready to get through this winter season, which will indeed be the most difficult in our history," Zelenskyy said.

Quote: "Russia has prepared many problems, crises and disasters for our state, for Europe and for the world. But it is Russia, the terrorist state itself, which is destined to face the greatest catastrophe. This ‘Titanic’ sailed to its iceberg on February 24, and no matter how hard they try to stay afloat, they will fail."

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