Russians shell Kharkiv with artillery; there are fatalities

Tuesday, 30 August 2022, 10:29


On 30 August, the Russian occupiers shelled the central districts of Kharkiv with artillery; early reports mention 4 dead, 9 injured, but details are being confirmed.

Source: Ihor Terekhov, Mayor of Kharkiv; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote from Syniehubov: "As a result of shelling in the central part of Kharkiv, at least 4 people died and 9 were injured

All the emergency services are working on the spot, and the injured are receiving assistance. The information is being confirmed."

Details: Terekhov reported that so far there is information about 5 dead and 7 injured. 

Syniehubov reported that the Russian occupiers shelled the central districts of Kharkiv. There is some damage.

There is also a possibility of new "incomings" [missiles, shells, etc].

The head of the Oblast Military Administration is urging everyone to stay in shelters.

Mayor Terekhov reported that the shelling of the central part of Kharkiv is continuing.

According to Terekhov, according to preliminary information, there have been about eight "incomings".

Quote from Terekhov: "So far, we know of a fire in one of the favourite places of recreation of Kharkiv residents.

It [the shelling] also hit another place of recreation - there are broken windows in the surrounding houses. Information about casualties and fatalities is being gathered."

Terekhov added that after the shelling, a fire started in a residential building in the centre of Kharkiv. According to the rescue workers, there are casualties and their number is increasing.

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