Belarus is preparing to receive 20,000 conscripted Russians

Thursday, 29 September 2022, 11:32


Places are being prepared in Belarus for accommodation of 20,000 people conscripted by the Russian Federation.

Source: Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine 

Details: The recruited units will have to replenish the units of the Russian Armed Forces stationed in Belarus. As a result of the replenishment, the ratio of "seasoned" and "rookie" military personnel should be 1 to 5.

According to the Chief Intelligence Directorate, it is planned to use existing military funds, as well as civilian premises and buildings, for accommodation. Warehouses, hangars and other premises of abandoned agricultural enterprises and farms are being transferred for these needs. Corresponding instructions were given to the Armed Forces of Belarus and local councils. 

Quote: "After increasing the staff, the units will use Russian military equipment [coming] from warehouses on the territory of Belarus. It is also planned to strengthen it at the expense of equipment and weapons removed from storage sites on the territory of the Russian Federation. The lack of equipment for the transportation of personnel of the occupying forces is planned to be replenished at the expense of the mobilisation of civilian trucks and cars. 

The authorities of the Republic of Belarus also instructed the law enforcement agencies to assist the representatives of the Russian Federation in the draft of Russian citizens who recently entered the territory of the country."

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